Current RFP

Document Printing and Scanning Equipment and Managed Print Services  

Managed Print Services RFP

Managed Print Services RFP Amendment

Submitted Questions:

  1. Papercut

    • Customer Reference Number: C-HLCHS4

    • Current Papercut OS: Windows Server 2019

    • Our current Papercut license is for 14 MFD/Full Embedded

    • Papercut user management is handled through Active Directory importing all relevant details (name, email, ID badge)

    • Students do not print, but some staff do have Chromebooks and are using the Papercut mobility print extension

    • Print queues for the large A3 devices are handled through Papercut Print Deploy

    • Print queues for the smaller A4 devices have been installed manually on an as needed basis

    • Print release is handled with a HID 26 bit RFID badge

  2. Printer devices

    1. A4 Lexmark devices are to be replaced with similar single paper tray device. The only accessory that is requested is the automatic document feeder. Stapling, 3-hole punch, etc is not required for the A4 devices

    2. The district owns the four HP printers denoted as HS Main Office, IS Main Office, HS Guidance Office, MS Kitchen and would like bids to both take over existing service and/or to replace with comparable newer devices

    3. The district also owns the printer located at the UCC Church and would welcome this as a leased device with at least two paper trays and secured print release, no other accessories are needed. A cabinet is requested as there is no table to place a small device on.

    4. Both Lexmark printers and the HP LaserJet Pro M404dn (Welcome Center check printer) are leased and will need to be quoted as a leased device.

    5. The current HP LJPro M404dn (Welcome Center check printer) does require MICR toner and will need to be quoted as such

    6. A3 printers - please see the above amendment for specifications on printer accessories (folding, 3-hole punch, stapling, etc).

    7. Large format HP Design Jet - currently it is not under a service contract and we manage the device in house.

  3. Printer accessories

    1. Please see the amendment above for what accessories are requested for each printer

  4. Faxing

    1. Please see the amendment above for addition of eGoldFax quoting with pages per month.

    2. With the eGoldFax the district will not need fax kits on any devices

  5. Billing

    1. The district is fine with the monthly pay per click billing with different price points for the A4 and A3 devices and the non Canon A3 managed service plan

    2. The district is also OK with a combined service/lease agreement with an allowance and credit/charge at the end of the fiscal billing cycle.

    3. Most recent invoices for equipment





  6. End of lease

    1. The district would like all leased equipment to be picked up by the lease holder at the end of the lease.

      1. The rational is you own the equipment at the end of the lease still