Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now available. If your child will be 5 by July 31, 2025 and plans to attend kindergarten in the fall, please complete the online registration.
What you can expect after registering for Kindergarten:
After your online registration has been received and reviewed at Crete Elementary, you will receive a mailing to confirm your registration and additional upcoming information.
Kindergarten Parent Orientation will be held in April (more details to be shared).
Kindergarten Jumpstart will be August 11 and August 12 from 8:00 to 11:30.
Open House is Tuesday, August 12 from 5:00-8:00 by appointment only, you can schedule your time for this with the elementary office 402-826-5822.
August 13, 2025 is the first day for Kindergarten students and is an early dismissal at 1:15.
Additional information regarding Kindergarten enrollment may be found in the Student/Parent handbook located on www.creteschools.org under District > Handbooks.
Preschool Registration 2025-2026
Preschool registration for the 2025-2026 school year is now available. Children that will be ages 3 or 4 before July 31, 2025 are eligible to attend. Please complete the online registration to enroll your child.
Qualifications: Who may attend preschool?
The Crete Community Preschool aligns with NDE Rule 11, 51 and 52 gives priority enrollment rights to children who are most at-risk and most in need of early childhood education programs and services.
These include:
Children with an IEP
Children whose family income qualifies them for participation in the federal free or reduced lunch program
Children who reside in a home where a language other than spoken English is used as the primary language
Children whose parents are younger than eighteen or who have not completed high school
Children who were born prematurely or at a low birth weight as verified by a physician
Once children who meet one or more of the enrollment priorities have a secured spot in the early childhood program, enrollment can be open to other children within the community.
Children who are the ages of 3-4 years old on or before July 31st of the current school year and live within the Crete Public Schools district may apply.
Students that live outside of the Crete Public Schools district will not be eligible for enrollment.
Crete Public Schools will follow Policy 5013 if a parent requests to have their child attend preschool when they are kindergarten-eligible.
Additional information regarding the Crete Community Preschool program and enrollment may be found in the Student/Parent handbook located on www.creteschools.org under District > Handbooks.
What you can expect after registering for preschool:
By June 1st, families will be notified if their child has been enrolled in preschool, as there are limited spots available.
Students not enrolled will be added to the waitlist.
Open House is Tuesday, August 12 from 5:00-8:00 by appointment only, you can schedule your time for this with the elementary office 402-826-5822.
Home Visits with your child’s preschool teacher will be scheduled for August 13, 14, 15 by appointment only. You can schedule your time for this with the elementary office 402-826-5822.
The first day of preschool is Monday August 18, 2025.
NEW to the District
Students who are enrolling NEW to the district (and do not have siblings already attending CPS)
We are excited for you to join the Crete Public Schools family. If you need assistance with enrollment, please call or stop by The Cardinal Welcome Center and we will gladly assist you.
The Cardinal Welcome Center
930 Main Ave.
Crete, NE 68333
Additional information may be found in the Student/Parent handbook located on www.creteschools.org under District > Handbooks.
I am a first-time parent/guardian registering students with Crete Public Schools.
I do not have any other students that attend CPS at this time.
This is the FIRST time a student will attend Crete Public Schools.
Select this if you are a first-time CPS parent or guardian and have never had any students registered in the CPS district and are registering any students, including if you:
Have never been a parent or guardian of a student in CPS
Do not have current students enrolled in CPS
All new students entering Crete Public Schools for the first time will need to register online. This will be the first time a student will attend Crete Public Schools.
Families who are registering their student for preschool or kindergarten for the FALL 2025-2026 school year, and do not have other students currently enrolled with CPS, enroll with "2025-2026 New to District Upcoming Year" button below. If you have other students currently enrolled, log into your Parent Portal to complete your enrollment.
For students who will attend during the CURRENT school year, 2024-2025, register your student by clicking the "2024-2025 New to District CURRENT Year" button below.
This is for the CURRENT school year until May 2025.
If you have other students currently enrolled, log into your Parent Portal to complete your enrollment
Upcoming School Year 2025-2026
What you can expect for ALL students:
April 1st, the 2025-2026 Annual Student Information Update will be available in your Parent Portal.
When you log-in, this allows you to review and update any necessary information for your student(s). This also indicates your permissions for your student(s) during the school year such as field trips, photos, handbook agreements, etc.
We kindly ask that all students have their Annual Student Information Update completed by Friday, May 16, 2025.
This is required for all currently enrolled families to complete each school year. This takes the place of all paper forms that were previously sent home at the beginning of the school year.
July 1 the following online forms will be available =
CCLC registration
Free and Reduced Meal application
Bus transportation grades K-12
The CPS Registration Extravaganza will be held on July 1 at The Cardinal Welcome Center, 930 Main Ave., offering families assistance with completing online forms.