Cardinal Academies
How Does Cardinal Academy Work?
As a part of the Cardinal Freshman Exploration Academy, all ninth-grade students will take Freshman Seminar. In this class, they will spend time discovering the different pathways we will offer. At the conclusion of their freshman year, they will list their top three choices and be assigned to a pathway to explore over the next three years. Pathways are like college majors; students choose which to pursue based on their interests.
During their sophomore, junior and senior years, students will explore learning opportunities and be immersed in college and career preparatory programs through a focused lens of instruction. At the conclusion of their final year, students will have developed a senior capstone project to culminate their pathway learning experiences.
What Are The Pathways?
What New Experiences Can Students Expect?
The district has developed a Continuum of Experiences for all students, regardless of academy or pathway. These are scheduled by grade:
What Are The Intended Outcomes?
Transition to the academies will result in:
Increased graduation rates
Increased daily attendance rates
Increased student achievement
Students invested in the community
Fewer discipline incidents
Higher ACT scores
Improved teacher efficacy
This is aligned with the new Profile of a CPS Graduate.
What Is The Timeline?
The transition to the academy model is three years in the making and has involved a number of district staff, community leaders and students conducting hours of research and analysis to find the right solution for Crete.
March 2021 - Visited academy schools
November 2021 - NCAC Conference
December 2021 - School board presentation
January 2022 - Implementation team formed
August 2022 - Revision grant awarded
September 2022 - Partenered with Steele Dynamics
February 2023 - Student ambassadors selected
March 2023 - Kick off 8th graders & parents
August 2023 - Freshman Exploration Academy begins