First Flight
First Flight is a fun, accessible and inclusive youth sports experience for Crete Public Schools students of all abilities and backgrounds to develop an understanding of activities, develop skills and promote physical well-being alongside peers.
First Flight Spring Offerings 2025
Track -
K - 6th Grade boys and girls will be coached on the fundamentals of track & field. Participants will be instructed in basic running techniques as well as field events.
Sundays: 5:15 - 6:15 pm @ the Cardinal Track April 6th, 13th, 27th & May 4th.
Adult Volunteers Needed to assist us in coaching and supervising this program. Please contact B. T. Kracl -, if interested.
Tennis -
3rd - 6th grade boys and girls will be coached by our high school girls’ coaches & players on the fundamentals of tennis. Equipment will be provided.
3:45 - 4:10 pm @ Cardinal Tennis Courts Dates TBD
First Flight has two camp offerings for the spring of 2025. Students can register for the camps they are interested in and only one $10 fee will be charged for the spring program.
Registration begins March 14th.
Oportunidades First Flight Primavera 2025
Los niños y niñas de kinder a sexto grado recibirán capacitación sobre los fundamentos del atletismo. Los participantes recibirán instrucción en técnicas básicas de carrera, así como en eventos de campo.
5:15 - 6:15 pm @ Cardinal Track Domingos: 6, 13, 27 de abril y 4 de mayo
Se necesitan voluntarios adultos para ayudarnos a entrenar y supervisar este programa. Por favor contacte a B. T. Kracl -, si está interesado.
Tenis -
Los niños y niñas de 3.º a 6.º grado serán entrenados por nuestros entrenadores y jugadoras de secundaria sobre los fundamentos del tenis. Se proporcionará equipo.
3:45 - 4:10 pm @ Cardinal Tennis Courts Fechas por determinar
First Flight tiene dos ofertas de campamentos para la primavera de 2025. Los estudiantes pueden registrarse en los campamentos que les interesen y solo se cobrará una tarifa de $10 por el programa de primavera.
La inscripción comienza el 14 de marzo.